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Housing and Reentry Service Providers

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Key Services

Washington, D.C.
Amazing Gospel Souls
Amazing Gospel Souls, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that addresses the needs of returning citizens. They provide housing opportunities, workforce development training, and comprehensive case management in an effort to help returning citizens restore themselves after incarceration and become assets to their communities.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Partner
  • Workforce development
  • Case management
  • Housing
  • Mentoring
  • Substance abuse support
Alameda, CA
Arukah House
Arukah House is a transitional home in Livermore, California, for men coming out of prison or out of the homeless community.
Housing Service Provider
Temporary Housing, Housing Service Provider
  • Sober living environment housing
  • Food
  • Employment services
  • Life skills classes
  • Financial management
  • Social services referrals
  • Spiritual development
Alameda, CA
Bay Area Community Services
BACS provides homelessness prevention programs like rapid re-housing, including targeted outreach for people experiencing homelessness and support navigating the web of services. They also assist in the purchase of housing across the Bay Area to house people who would otherwise be homeless.
Housing Service Provider
Temporary Housing
  • Mental health supports
  • Transitional housing
  • Employment support
  • Housing resources
  • Recovery-oriented behavioral health services
Alameda, CA
Bay Area Freedom Collective
BAFC assists people with conviction histories with housing, employment, obtaining a driver's license, learning new technology, and more. The Freedom House provides space for up to eight people and is run collectively by the residents. The first year of housing costs are completely covered by BAFC, so that residents can focus on reintegration.
Reentry Service Provider
Temporary Housing
  • Housing search navigation
  • Education support for high school youth
  • College preparation
  • Job readiness training
Alameda, CA
Beyond Emancipation
Beyond Emancipation provides a range of supportive programs designed to help former foster and probation youth overcome their challenges, mitigate risks, and make healthy, successful transitions to adulthood and independent living. They assist youth until the age of 24. Connects youth with emergency shelters and helps navigate the housing system.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Provider
  • Housing search navigation
  • Education support for high school youth
  • College preparation
  • Job readiness training
Bronx Connect
Bronx Connect is a faith and community-based program that offers alternatives to detention, incarceration and violence prevention work. They connect court-involved and high-risk youth and young adults with resources to prevent recidivism and address youth-initiated goals in education and employment.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Provider
  • Youth services
  • Employment opportunities
  • Certification training
  • Employment/ job readiness services
  • On-site counseling
Brooklyn Community Housing and Services
Brooklyn Community Housing and Services through their Healthy Aging and Re-entry Housing programs provide specialized services at Oak Hall SRO to individuals with significant histories of incarceration who are returning to the community.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Provider
  • Vocational training and education,
  • Job readiness
  • Computer training
Alameda, CA
Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS)
BOSS helps individuals with severe and persistent mental illness who have become displaced because of public hospital closures. Programs and services expanded to include services for unhoused, disabled, and low-income individuals, families, and neighborhoods in Alameda County. In 2013, executive leadership have been expanded the mission and began developing solutions for mass incarceration and violence in the community as unaddressed crises stemming from racially biased policies and systemic inequities.
Housing Service Provider
Transitional Housing, Permanent, Shelter
  • Job development
  • Legal support
  • Mental health services
CASES offers a range of programs to help youth and adults newly released from jail or prison to successfully navigate the challenges of reentry, access opportunities to improve their lives (including through proven protective factors like education and housing), and avoid recidivism.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Provider
  • Case management
  • Employment services
  • Behavioral health services
  • Youth services for those recently released from jail or prison
  • Community-based programs
  • In-home family therapy
  • Discharge planning
Washington, D.C.
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
Catholic Charities' Welcome Home Reentry Program helps returning citizens successfully reintegrate into the community by creating a support network centered around volunteers and mentors.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Partner
  • Employment assistance
  • Housing assistance
  • Mentoring
  • Substance abuse support
Coalition for the Homeless
Coalition for the Homeless provides permanent housing, and supportive services to 38 homeless single adults in three brownstones in Manhattan. There's also the Scattered Site Housing Program, which gives 48 single adults and 18 families living with HIV/AIDS safe, permanent housing.
Housing Service Provider
Permanent Housing, Supportive Housing, Scattered Sites
  • Housing for single adults
  • HIV/AIDS support programs
  • Job training
  • Child tutoring
  • Youth activities (e.g., sports and recreation)
  • Financial education
Community Access
Community Access provides opportunities for people living with mental health concerns to recover from trauma and discrimination through affordable housing, training, advocacy and healing-focused services. Community Access has developed several affordable housing projects in New York City, including new constructions and rehabilitated structures such as Gouverneur Court in the Lower East Side.
Housing Service Provider
Supportive Housing, Permanent Housing
  • Housing
  • Education
  • Job training
  • Health and wellness
  • Adult crisis services
Washington, D.C.
Community Family Life Services
CFLS provides emergency services including hygiene items, snacks, clothing, and groceries for women returning home from prison or jail. In addition, they provide virtual case management and do intakes.
Reentry Service Provider
Temporary Housing
  • Life skills groups
  • Employment services
  • Domestic violence awareness workshops
  • Intensive case management
  • Financial supports
  • Substance abuse supports
Washington, D.C.
Community of Hope
Community of Hope offers short-term housing with 24-hour support for up to 50 families. They also help families experiencing homelessness exit shelters quickly, and move into their own homes with short- to medium-term rental and utility assistance and supportive services.
Housing Service Provider
Temporary Housing, Transitional Housing, Permanent Housing
  • Youth services
  • Job readiness
  • Eviction prevention services
  • Financial literacy
  • Housing
  • Case management
  • Employment services
New Orleans
Cornerstone Builders Re-entry Services
Cornerstone Builders does prison in-reach up to six months prior to release, and works with participants once they are released to provide wrap-around services. Wrap-around services include case management and workforce development to address essential needs such as housing, job placement, benefits enrollment and health care.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Partner, Temporary Housing
  • Case management
  • Benefits enrollment
  • Mental health and substance abuse services
  • Medical services
  • Dental services
  • Housing
  • Transitional employment
Covenant House New York
Covenant House provides runaway and homeless services to young adults aged 16-24 using trauma-informed principles. They also provide various types of housing including permanent supportive housing.
Housing Service Provider
Emergency Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing
  • Permanent supportive housing
  • Case management
  • Medical care
  • Free child care services
  • Educational services
  • Vocational and job placement services
New Orleans
Covenant House NOLA
Covenant House NOLA provides immediate and long-term assistance to youth through various programs, a transitional housing program, and through off-site independent apartments. They have an organizational open-door policy for youth aged 16-22, including the re-entry population.
Housing Service Provider
Temporary Housing
  • Youth services (immediate and long-term)
  • Education services
  • Employment services
  • Health and wellness
  • Life skills
Alameda, CA
CROP is an organization that brings innovative programs to scale for people impacted by the criminal legal system. The Ready 4 Life program is a holistic one-year experience that integrates reentry and housing supports with robust workforce training in the tech industry. In addition, CROP works collaboratively to facilitate the entry into career pathways for living wage employment.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Provider
  • Workforce training in tech
  • Housing support
  • Financial literacy
  • Leadership training
  • Case management
Alameda, CA
East Oakland Community Project
The East Oakland Community Project operates a shelter for people who are homeless, veterans, HIV positive and their families. People can reside there between six months to one year.
Housing Service Provider
Temporary Housing
  • Housing search assistance
  • Mental health counseling
  • Addiction services
Exodus Transitional Community
Exodus Transitional Community is a preventative, reentry and advocacy organization. Exodus provides a transitional housing and reentry program in Poughkeepsie, New York.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Provider
  • Case management
  • Transitional housing
  • Housing assistance
  • Job readiness programs
  • Computer training
  • Mentorship
  • Moral Recognition Therapy (MRT)
  • Behavioral health services
  • Higher education programs and referrals
Getting Out Staying Out (GOSO)
GOSO’s Community Program is central to the mission of assisting participants to achieve their personal and professional goals and avoid (re)involvement in the criminal justice system.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Provider
  • Education programs (e.g., college prep, test prep)
  • Literacy services
  • Vocational education programs
Henry Street Settlement
HSS provides five shelters for families, domestic violence victims, and women with mental health needs.
Housing Service Provider
Transitional Housing, Supportive Housing, Scattered Sites
  • Case management services
  • Senior services
  • Youth after-school programs
Hour Children
Hour Children provides transitional and permanent housing in both communal and independent settings. Residents are supported by a robust array of case management and mental health services for women and their children.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Provider
  • Employment support
  • Job readiness
  • Education programs
  • Mentorship
Housing and Services, Inc.
HSI both provides and develops permanent supportive housing for homeless men and women coming out of the NYC shelter system, including those formerly incarcerated.
Housing Service Provider
Permanent Housing, Supportive Housing, Scattered Sites, Senior Housing
  • Case management
  • Counseling
  • Relapse prevention
  • Psychiatric care
  • Medical services
  • Educational and vocational support
New Orleans
Housing Authority of New Orleans
HANO is the public housing authority of New Orleans, and provides affordable housing for low-income residents of the city of New Orleans.
Housing Service Provider
Public Housing
  • Job training
  • Employment opportunities for youth and adults
  • ACT/SAT prep
  • After-school tutorials
  • College tours
  • Technical assistance for resident councils
  • Summer camps
  • Domestic violence and health education for youth
Alameda, CA
Impact Justice
Impact Justice is a national, innovative research center that focuses on projects aimed at supporting people involved in the criminal legal system. The Homecoming Project matches formerly incarcerated people with safe and stable housing in the community by providing stipends to homeowners in exchange for hosting someone returning home from prison. The program also offers ongoing wraparound support services to participants.
Housing Service Provider
Homeshare Program
  • Case management
  • Peer support groups
  • Educational workshops
  • Mental health services
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Benefits enrollment
  • Legal services
  • Employment services
Washington, D.C.
Jubilee Housing
Jubilee provides family, youth, and reentry support services onsite. The family services offered focus on economic stability and asset building through financial empowerment programming and eviction prevention services. The senior program focuses on physical, financial, and emotional support. The youth services provide K-6th grade residents and community members with out-of-school time programming and a six-week Summer Camp. Two-thirds of the units house tenants at 30% or below of the Area Median Income, and one-third of the units house tenants at 60% of AMI or below.
Housing Service Provider
Transitional Housing, Reentry Housing
  • Medical services
  • Dental services
  • Emotional wellness
  • Employment programs
  • Support for mothers
Alameda, CA
Kingdom Builder's Dream Center
Kingdom Builders currently provides 34 units of transitional housing and wrap-around services for adults and youth who are formerly incarcerated and experiencing homelessness. They also have single-family houses (about 5 or 6) that are used as the steppingstone from the transitional housing program, so people learn how to live independently without supervision.
Housing Service Provider
Temporary Housing, Permanent Housing
  • Case management
  • Job development
  • Food distribution
  • Recovery support
  • Youth support
Nazareth Housing
Nazareth Housing is a community-based nonprofit promoting housing stability and economic mobility among vulnerable families and individuals of New York City.
Housing Service Provider
Transitional Housing: Emergency Housing, Supportive Housing, Permanent Housing
  • Homelessness prevention
  • Food pantry
  • Supportive housing
  • Emergency family shelter
  • Urgent needs assistance
  • Free VITA tax preparation
  • Financial literacy
New Destiny Housing
New Destiny has permanent supportive housing available for domestic violence survivors exiting shelters. Referrals to available units are made through shelters. They have two rapid-rehousing programs funded through the CoC, and referrals are made by onsite case managers of the Family Justice Centers. In addition, they operate the EHV Housing Navigation Program for survivors of domestic violence who were referred for an EHV through ENDGBV’s referral pipeline; this program is temporary and set to end in December.
Housing Service Provider
Transitional Housing, Permanent Housing, Supportive Housing
  • Education workshops
  • Counseling
  • Referrals
  • Aftercare
  • Employment support
  • Job readiness
  • Public benefits management
  • Academic assistance for children
  • Eviction prevention services
New Orleans
New Orleans Mission
The New Orleans Mission is a faith-based humanitarian organization that provides reentry services. The overnight emergency homeless shelter helps people develop personal relationships with Christian faith-based principles. In addition, they provide transitional housing for "disciples who have stayed with the program for 1 year or longer."
Housing Service Provider
Temporary Housing, Potential Service Partner
  • Food pantry
  • Medical services
  • Education services
  • Case management
  • Vocational training
Washington, D.C.
Northern Real Estate Urban Ventures
NREUV is a community development organization that is engaged in a holistic approach to real-estate development in low-income communities. NREUV connect justice involved people to employment opportunities through their relationship with local government agencies.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Partner
  • Employment support
Praxis Housing
Praxis Housing provides transitional housing to homeless people with HIV/AIDS. Praxis provides two permanent supportive housing buildings for formerly homeless individuals that meet NY/NY III criteria. The Warren Residence is specifically for formerly homeless individuals and families without children.
Housing Service Provider
Scatter Sites, Permanent Housing, Transitional
  • Case management
  • Counseling
  • Housing placement support
  • Vocational and job services (on-site)
  • Medical care
  • Mental health
  • Counseling
Washington, D.C.
Project Reconnect
Project Reconnect is a shelter diversion and rapid-exit program for unaccompanied adults experiencing homelessness who are 18 years of age and over and are transitioning from jail/prison, or are aging out of the foster care system without housing supports in place.
Housing Service Provider
Rapid Rehousing, Permanent Supportive Housing, Targeted Affordable Housing, Transitional Housing
  • Housing
Providence House
Providence House provides temporary housing for women who would otherwise be incarcerated, transitional housing for families experiencing homelessness, and permanent supportive housing for a range of clients. Transitional shelter residents stay an average of six to eight months, during which their housing specialist assists in searching for and obtaining safe and affordable housing. Their permanent supportive housing offers 87 units that hold families and single adults who have histories of chronic homelessness, severe mental illness (SMI), and/or substance use disorder (SUD).
Housing Service Provider
Supportive Housing, Transitional Housing, Temporary Housing
  • Employment support
  • Healthcare support
  • Referral programs
  • Financial literacy
  • Mental health services
  • Life skills services
Services for the Underserved (SUS)
SUS provides mental health supportive housing to individuals with approved HRA 2010E applications. Most of their referrals come directly from HRA shelters or state psychiatric centers.
Housing Service Provider
Transitional Housing: Homeless Shelters, Permanent Housing, Scattered Sites
  • Developmental disabilities services
  • Homeless services
  • Housing
  • Behavioral health services
  • Veterans services
  • Urban farms
The Bridge, Inc.
The Bridge’s supportive housing programs focus on the needs of homeless and housing insecure single adults who are diagnosed with behavioral health disabilities. The Bridge has 26 buildings and nearly 500 scatter-site apartments that offer three levels of residential services: shelter, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing.
Housing Service Provider
Shelter, Transitional Housing, Supportive Housing, Permanent Housing
  • Medication monitoring
  • Food programs
  • Legal assistance
  • Case management services
The Fedcap Group
The Fedcap Group is an organization that is committed to addressing economic barriers for people. Through their re-entry program, participants are assigned a care coordinator tasked to work with the individual for as long as he/she is participating. The Fedcap Group also uses a Benefits Calculator to secure maximum benefits, including food assistance, health care and housing for participants.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Provider
  • Education programs
  • Vocational training
  • Job readiness
  • Housing assistance
  • Employment assistance
  • Healthcare
New Orleans
The First 72+
The First 72+ provides transitional housing, case management, peer mentorship, employment assistance, health care, and community engagement.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Partner
  • Wrap-around services
  • Public benefits clinics
  • Job readiness programs
  • Transitional housing
  • Financial empowerment
The Fortune Society
The Fortune Society provides the following types of housing:
  • The Fortune Academy: Emergency and transitional housing that is a safe and rehabilitative community for people coming home from incarceration.
  • Castle Gardens: Supportive and affordable residential. A long-term housing solution for justice-involved people facing homelessness.
  • Freedom House: Emergency and transitional housing for adult men. Residents receive case management and mental health and substance use treatment services.
  • Mandaela Community: Specifically for justice-impacted seniors.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Provider
  • Employment services
  • Job readiness training program
  • Culinary arts program
  • Green Building Operation and Maintenance program
  • Transportation/universal driving practice
  •  Education, family, creative arts, soft skills reentry, and hard skills employment workshops
Washington, D.C.
The National Reentry Network
The Supportive Reentry Housing Initiative helps to identify the basic needs of returning citizens, and connects them to a continuum of care offering safe housing and supportive programming to reduce recidivism.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Partner
  • Workplace development program
  • Peer mentoring program
  • Financial literacy
  • Job readiness
  • Legal education
The Osborne Association
The Osborne Association works with a network of housing providers to assist participants in finding a home. In addition, they provide supportive and transitional housing. Through the Osborne Association Marcus Garvey supportive housing program, they provides 52 new apartments for people who are re-entering the community from incarceration, and who would otherwise be homeless or unstably housed.
Housing Service Provider
Supportive Housing, Transitional Housing
  • Health and Wellness services
  • Independent and wellness services
  • Independent living skills training
  • Substance use disorder treatment
  • Mentorship
  • Employment services
  • Counseling
  • Rehabilitation after incarceration
Washington, D.C.
Voices for a Second Chance
VSC provides support and reentry services for people who have been incarcerated and need to rebuild their lives. They work with participants to develop and strengthen their connections to their families and the community. ​
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Partner
  • Legal assistance
  • Referrals for mental health care
  • Post-release programs
  • Pre-release case management
  • Jail and prison in-reach
  • Case management
  • Employment support
  • Rental assistance
  • Transportation assistance
  • Vital document support
Washington, D.C.
Who Speaks for Me?
Who Speaks for Me reduces barriers to housing for returning citizens by centering their voices and needs to connect them to affordable, quality, well-maintained units in resource-rich neighborhoods. WSFM uses a subleasing model, which employs practices that organizational leadership found helpful in securing housing, including below-market rent, quality homes and appliances, and maintenance services to respond to repair requests.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Partner
  • Mental health services
  • Public benefits assistance
  • Financial literacy
  • Legal aid
  • Financial stipend
Women's Prison Association
WPA participants have access to a broad range of programs including education, employment, safe housing, health care, mental health care, substance use support and family reunification. Program participation is defined by each individual’s goals.
Reentry Service Provider
Potential Service Provider
  • Benefits assistance
  • Housing assistance
  • Therapy
  • Behavioral health services
  • Family services (e.g., parenting classes)
  • Referrals to emergency housing
  • Addiction recovery programs
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